Pictured: 2019 National Association for Pupil Transportation Poster Contest Overall Winner, Bryan Torres-Tavarez, Stars Academy, Paterson, NJ. Source: NAPT Facebook Page.
The national 2020 School Bus Safety Poster Contest is underway and Maine is encouraging students to participate again this year. The theme is Be Safe – Know the Danger Zone! Please share the contest information below with transportation staff and educators state-wide that are interested in helping students participate in this exciting opportunity to show off their visual arts skills and their knowledge of school bus safety!
National School Bus Safety Poster Contest Rules Please note: It is very important that the posters meet the established rules in regards to size, theme, materials, and placement of student information to be considered at the national level. The last page of the rules provides for a student information sheet to be attached to the back of each poster.
Collect posters throughout the school year and send them to Terry Balduff at the contact information below and/or bring them to the Maine Association for Pupil Transportation (MAPT) Safety Conference in July.
Terry Balduff
(207) 676-2856
C/O MSAD No. 60
150 Noble Way
North Berwick, Maine 03906
Posters will be displayed at the MAPT Safety Conference in July and voted on by those in attendance at the conference. The winners from each category will be submitted to the NAPT for the National Competition representing Maine in October 2020.
Categories that artists may be entered into (Maine will host all categories except for CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) drawings.
- Division #1- Grades K-2
- Division #2- Grades 3-5
- Division #3- Grades 6-8
- Division #4- Special Education (Grades K-12)
2020 AWARDS: (State Level)
- First Place Winners: $75.00 each plus Trophy and Certificate of Appreciation
- Second Place Winners: $50.00 each plus Trophy and Certificate of Appreciation
- Third Place Winners: $25.00 each plus Trophy and Certificate of Appreciation
Savings Bonds in lieu of cash may be awarded.